Friday, March 26, 2010

Testimonala from two clients

It's amazing to enjoy your job! I started A Perfect 10 in 2006. Being a former titleholder , I knew I could help girls to fullfill their dreams. Seeing the testmonials that are posted below of my clients is the reason I am so dedicated to what I do. Stay tuned for more testimonals and stories! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I will be at Southern Couture for a Tibi trunk show hosted by my sweet friend Brandi Loving. I can't wait to share fashion tips and styles for Spring and Summer!

"Paige Roy is an excellent pageant instructor. She is always there to answer questions and help out with anything you ever need. She taught me how to be very confident in interview as well as on stage in front of a big crowd. Without her help and support I know I personally would have struggled with this. On every pageant day, if she can’t make it, she makes sure to call before and send you very inspirational text messages throughout the whole day. And if she is there, you’ll be sure to see her out in the crowd rooting you on. I recently moved to Oklahoma and cannot meet one on one with her as much, but she has still remained with me 100% in any pageant I do. She makes sure to research everything about any pageant you are in and really puts out an effort to make sure its right for you. She also can “tell you how it is” which is an awesome quality in Paige because not only does it help you on stage or in interview; it lets you know that she really is working her hardest to make you the best that you can be. No matter what is going on at home or work she still puts a 110% into her clients at all times. She checks every outfit that you might be wearing for the pageant and critiques it in the best way. If she doesn’t think something is going to work she is not afraid to tell you and help you make it better. In the weeks before a pageant, Paige makes sure you are very well prepared. She sends e-mails of questions and goes over them with you, she has frequent phone calls to review everything to make sure you are at the best place you can be. I know that since I’ve worked with Paige my interview, stage appearance, walk, smile, confidence, social skills, etc. have improved tremendously.

Rachel Swetnam
2nd runner up at Miss Oklahoma Teen USA 2009
I have competed in pageants for ten years but have used Paige as my coach for the last 3 years. Since then, I have grown as a person, as well as a contestant. Paige has had a huge impact on this change. She has helped me be more comfortable and confident in interview and on-stage competition. She has helped me pick out the best attire for competition, decide on hairstyles, and critiqued steps that helped me come this far. Paige has always helped me get through my nervousness, even when she wasn’t at my competition physically. If she wasn’t able to make it to a pageant, she is a phone call or text message away from me. Her coaching has helped me not only prepare for pageants, but it has assisted me in preparing for future obstacles and experiences I may encounter. Paige has not only been my pageant coach, but she has become my friend.
Adrian Wilson"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back and better than ever!

First of all, please let me apologize for my absence. I've had alot going on! First off, I'M ENGAGED to the man of my dreams. Durran and I are so excited for our wedding which will take place this fall. The weekend following our engagement I invited Durran into the world of pageantry for the second time. (The first was when he served on the mock interview panel to help prepare Miss Memphis Outstanding Teen and Teen Princess). He's better at this than I thought.... I'm surely marrying the right man. I am very proud of my client Alexandria Bingham for transformation on the "big stage" and I look forward to what the future holds for her. It was such a pleasure to see my "Miss Tennessee family" on one of the happiest weekends of my life. It was also a great chance to separate the "real" from the "fake". As we know the world of pageantry consists of many fake things: hair, teeth, abs, attitudes...the list goes on and on. What bothers me is that sometimes the flakiness is so blatant that you can look someone who comments on your facebook stats and pics, writes"love u!" on your wall and various other things dead in the eyes with a smile and begin to say "hello" and they act as though they have no clue you exist. I'm not talking just pageant followers and fans of the system, I'm talking local TITLEHOLDERS headed to Miss Tennessee with the opportunity to represent our great state at the Miss America pageant. Seriously? Let's get a bit real here girls. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Walk worthy of the crown. ask yourself, who is Miss Tennessee? Is she some fake facebook girl who speaks what she feels out of anger on a public web page yet expresses "judge pleasing answers" while onstage (aka a pageant patty)? Or is she a woman who would take the time to say "hello, nice to see you somewhere other than facebook" and shake your hand or maybe give you a hug? I guess in time we'll see.... Till next posting sending you my love and well wishes for the rest of your week.
